- We thank you for your cable of... inquiring for... 感谢你方...月...日来电询价...
- Cable of chain lock and flexible occasion. 适用于车锁用钢览及要求柔软性的场合。
- I provide a variety of loader bucket.Bulldozer blade, knife angle. 我公司提供各种装载机铲斗.;推土机刀片、刀角。
- In compliance with your cable of 12th,we have opened L/C today. 按照你方12日电报,我们今天开出信用证。
- Model LCV is part of the connecting cable of the force transmitter. LCV型放大器是力传递装置连接电缆的一部分。
- A sturdy belaying pin for the heavier cables of a ship. 盘绳栓用于船的较重缆绳的坚固的系索栓
- The line is composed of loader, hot press, unloader and returning roller conveyor group. 本生产线由装板机、热压机、卸板机及垫板回送机构组成。
- Connect the cable of the electric socket with the electric welding device. 用电熔接装置连接电缆插座。
- Each main cable of the GW Bridge can withstand the pull of a hundred and eighty million pounds. 每根主绳索能经受180,000,000磅的重量。
- On the 26th inst., we receive your cable of the same date read as follows: " credit mail to London" . 同月26日收到贵方当日来电,电文如下:“信用证已航空邮寄伦敦。”
- Following an introduction the functions and features of the system finite element analysis of loader bucket and boom structures are presented and visual illustration of stress and displacement given by the post processor of GRAFEM/IFAD are displayed. 本文首先介绍该系统的功能和特点,然后对装载机工作装置的铲斗和动臂结构进行了有限元分析,并用GRAFEM/IFAD的后处理功能给出了直观的应力与位移结果。
- We have today received your cable of... and very grateful for your prompt attention to this matter. 今天收悉你方关于...月...日电报,十分感激你方及时处理此事。
- Used in normal glass safety laminating glass and bulletproof glass laminated glass and so on. Composed of Loader, Washing and Drying Machine, Glass Laminator,Roller Squeezer,Unloader and so on. 用于生产普通安全夹层玻璃和防弹夹层玻璃等,由上片、玻璃清洗干燥机、玻璃合片机、辊压机、卸片等设备组成。
- SEND. TO REC. INFO. 72: L/C PAYABLE 5 WORKING DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF YOUR CABLE OF PAYMENT. 请问:72条款是什么条款?这句话是指收到单据后5天付款;还是别的什么意思?还是只有5天的交单期?不是很明白.
- And,moreover,you did not even reply to our cable of May 10,1992,inquiring about the position of our order. 更有甚者,对于我方1992年5月10日的电询竟不答复。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- On the 26th inst.,we receive your cable of the same date read as follows: "credit mail to London". 同月26日收到贵方当日来电,电文如下:“信用证已航空邮寄伦敦。”
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- We confirm your cable of 2nd inst. asking us to make you firm offers for both Groundnuts and Walnutmeat C&F Copenhagen. 兹确认收到你方本月2日电报,要求我们报花生和核桃仁两货C&F哥本哈根实盘。